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Past Projects



Education4Progress: Regional Cooperation to Improve EU Law Teaching”, 05/2018 – 02/2019

This project was financed by the Western Balkans Fund and implemented solely by the SEELS network and Centre for SEELS. Its central activity was focused on the organization of a regional conference related to EU Law teaching in Niš that took place in November 2019. The Regional Conference “EU Law Teaching in Western Balkans” served as a platform for exchange of information related to the models of EU Law teaching. The participating scholars from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Albania and Macedonia had the opportunity to learn more about the teaching models across the SEELS Network with the ultimate goal to ensure high standards and increased harmonisation across the region. The conference was organized by the assigned members of the Organizing committee in coordination with the Centre for SEELS and it took place in November 2018 at the Faculty of Law in Nish, with participation of professors from the whole SEELS network. As a final result of this event the Conference Proceedings, where the crucial points, conclusions and recommendations were systemized and emphasized. This publication is available for free use on our website. In addition to this Promotional Days were organized in the last 2 months of 2018 and took place in Belgrade, Tirana, Skopje and Sarajevo. They served as promotional events for the project itself as well as for the Conference Proceedings.


“Access2Justice4All: Clinical Legal Education - Supporting the Access to Justice in South East Europe”, 02/2018 – 12/2018

Funded by DAAD, the project’s overall objective was to strengthen the rule of law in South East Europe by facilitating access to justice for the vulnerable groups, through enhanced cross-regional cooperation and capacity building in Clinic Legal Education (CLE). In other terms, the project’s goal was to foster the collaboration among the legal clinics in the different participant institutions. It involved the following activities:

- Within the project one workshop in June 2018 was held at the Faculty of Law in Banja Luka, As a result of the workshop status analysis of the result obtained through the survey conducted within the SEELS network was made, and based on the findings and evolving patterns from its synthesis, the participants agreed on the minimum standards and good practices for CLE in South East Europe. In addition this resulted with a concrete action plan based on recommendations for further intraregional cooperation and exchange of knowledge was developed.

- Following this 2 week intensive trainings for multipliers were organized in September of the same year, at the Faculty of Law in Belgrade. The trainings were held first for the Professors on various issues concerning clinical legal education ranging from organizational matters, managerial aspects, legal ethics and interviewing techniques. The Intensive training for multipliers – Students, was the second half of this event and it included an intense regional training where participants acquired skills and exchanged experiences from their respective home faculties on the work in the Legal Clinics. The training was a mixture of a theory and practical exercises which were conducted by staff members of the participating faculties, external professional trainers, practicing attorneys, civil society activists and criminal defense experts.


Erasmus + Jean Monnet: Support to Association - Strengthening the EU Law Studies in South East Europe

The project “Strengthening the EU Law Studies in South East Europe” was successfully launched in September 2016, and ended in December 2019. This was the first project that the SEELS network has received as a sole implementer, and a first project that the SEELS network has received from the European Union (Erasmus + Jean Monnet: Support to Associations Programme) introducing the SEELS network to a new important donor. The project aimed to advance and promote the exchange of knowledge and views on the development of the legal systems in South Eastern Europe (SEE) in accordance with EU law. The project reinforced the structures for the development and promotion of the SEE Law Journal (SEE LJ), which is a statutory activity of the South East European Law School Network (SEELS) and through it, it stimulated EU law research as well as the exploration of relevant national legal issues, in an effort to provide deeper insight in the legislative requirements for the current legal developments both in EU and the region. The project successfully upgraded and transformed the SEE Law Journal and its editorial policy, produced 4 issues of the publication (available online on the projects website - http://seelawjournal.org/) conducted over 20 promotional events dedicated to the EU Law with participation of approximately 2000 students, academics, legal practitioners and activist from the region, and opened the journal for wider interested audience and contributors.


Media Law, Democratization and the EU-Accession Process Project

The “Media Law, Democratization and the EU-Accession Process” was awarded to the SEELS network and Europa Institut in 2019 and was once again financed by DAAD. This was our ninth consecutive project with a summer school format that we implement together with Europa Institut if we include here the summer schools implemented within the SEE | EU Cluster of Excellence project as well. As it was the case with the previous ones this project was once again implemented as a one activity, starting from 01.01.2019 to 31.12.2019. When the thematic core of the project is concerned it is dealing as stated in the title with the Media Law, more specifically with the democratization of the media as a prerequisite for EU integration of the accession countries in the South Eastern Europe.

The main reasoning behind this specific project was the fact that despite the obvious progress made within the EU accession process and the gradual harmonization of the institutional framework with the acquis and European standards in this field, media freedom remains at an unsatisfactory level in all states in the region. While in some of them there is a slow process of improvement towards the desired standards, in others media freedom seems to be deteriorating in parallel with the EU accession process. This is a significant paradox, especially taking into account the importance the EU gives to the issue of media freedom, at least on the rhetorical level.

In consideration of the above mentioned as well as the requirements of the call this project was constructed in such manner that places special focus on two core activities, organization of a regional roundtable and a one-week regional summer school. The summer school was held in September 2019 at the Faculty of Law in Split with the participation of students and lecturers both from the SEELS network and Europa Institut, as well as with presentations from relevant journalists and representatives of regional NGO’s that deal with this specific issue. Following the successful summer school the Round Table involving the lecturers and experts who participated in its implementation was held on 7th November 2019, at the Faculty of Law in Skopje, where the participants had the opportunity to summarize and evaluate the event, discuss on the format and methods of teaching the Media Law at their own faculties, as well as to propose concrete ideas for further development of these modules.


“Reflecting Ethnic Heterogeneity and Tolerance towards National Minorities in Legal Education in South East Europe and Germany” 03/2017 – 02/2018

The project that shed light on the legal dimensions of ethnic heterogeneity in South East Europe, was the 5th project jointly implemented with Saarland University within the SEE | EU Law Net structure. Funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the project’s central activity was to organize a regional Summer Academy entitled “Protection of Ethnic Minorities” involving students and lecturers from 7 countries and more than 15 research institutions. A planning organized at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade in May 2017 allowed for the development of a curriculum for the joint event and provided a well-received networking opportunity for the involved academics. The Summer School itself was held in Durrës, Albania in the beginning of September 2017. In 2018 a publication was released rendering possible to extend the scope of the lecturers not only to the ones which were held on the Summer School itself, but to a wider group of experts in the field who are willing to contribute. 

SEE | EU Law Net: Graduates4Academia Summer School "Challenges of Migration and Asylum - Legal Aspects, 02/2016 - 12/2016

The Summer School “Challenges of Migration and Asylum – Legal Aspects” took place from the 09th to 17th of September 2016 in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia. It was attended by 25 students coming from SEELS’ member and Europa-Institute, Saarland University. They had an opportunity to get deeper knowledge of the issues related to Migration and Asylum. The lectures came from the SEELS member faculties namely 8 professors from the SEE region. In addition to the theoretical part the students were able to get acquainted to the work of the practitioners which are also dealing with the issues of Мigration and Аsylum on the field. The presence of the representatives from UNHCR Macedonia, the office of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in Skopje, Association of Young Lawyers, NGO Legis and Helsinki Committee from Skopje gave an excellent opportunity for debate and exchange of thoughts and experiences which was welcomed by the students and practitioners alike. 

SEE | EU Law Net EU Opens Markets Summer School 2015 (Zagreb/Split)

EU Opens Markets summer school was created with one general specific goal in mind to create a sustainable strong network of young lawyers from the SEE region which will have broadened its knowledge on EU law, more specifically on the EU open markets, upon the completion of the event. It was not the sole goal of the project, as the series of steps were envisaged to lead to the completion of the same, but after the completion of the summer school it can be concluded that this goal was fully met.

This summer school is third in a raw of the similar events that were implemented by SEELS network and Europa Institut, with the financial support of the DAAD. As in the years before the summer school had a strong cross border component as the lecturers and participants from all SEELS member faculties and Germany took part in it. In addition the whole preparation phase was marked by cross border regional and international collaboration as the project was prepared by SEELS and EI together. The summer school itself was focusing on both strengthening the theoretical and practical knowledge of the students, thus each lecture was accompanied by the practical case study work. In addition, the students were preparing during the whole 2 weeks of the summer school a Moot Court simulation which had also closed the event, and was an additional activity that helped strengthen their knowledge and practical skills.

Finally the project included creation and launch of the Internship Pool on the SEELS website, which included mapping of the regional opportunities for internship, gathering of the active calls for internship in the region, preparation of the sub-page where these information will be placed, launch and promotion of the web page, and regular update with new information related to the internship. The sub-page was launched successfully in early September 2015, in Zagreb and is being active and developing ever since. We believe that this will help promote the pro-active approach among the young scholars of legal background who will search for the opportunities for obtaining the valuable practical knowledge actively themselves, rather than waiting for the opportunity to rise.

This project, as was is the case with the previous ones, has a strong educational and networking component which establishes ties on several levels. First and most obvious is the network that is established between young scholars, second is the one between the lecturers themselves, a third one can be the one consisted of ties that are being established between the younger and older lecturers, and finally the ties that are strengthened between the SEELS network and EI as implementing partners for 3 years.

2nd Franco-German Summer University ‘"Accession to the European Union and Identity of Balkans’, 09/2015 – 11/2015

This ‘mobile’ Summer School is currently implemented in collaboration with the University of Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense (France) and the Westfälische Wilhems-Universität Münster (Germany). Funded by the Franco-German University, the French Ministry of Higher Education and Science and the Franco-German Youth Office, this year’s summer schools are taking place at the SEELS member faculties in Skopje, Tirana and Podgorica. This series of summer schools which brings together a great number of scholars and students focuses on legal questions related to the European Integration Process in the Western Balkans. The French and German Embassies in the mentioned countries showed their commitment to this unique project by realising a joint declaration of support.  

EE-EU LAW Net: Network of Academics in European Law between South Eastern Europe and Germany, Zagreb and Rijeka – Croatia, 09/2014

This project, as continuation of SEE Graduates EU Law Teaching and Research Academy implemented in 2013, provided for further networking of students and academics between SEE region and Germany in broadening legal education and research in EU Law. The programme offered new prospects for participants for learning and researching EU Law on one side and joint developed and implemented programme by regional and international lecturers in law on the other. It was designed for students and young academics, selected by open call. The curriculum of the Summer Academy “Essentials of EU Law” covered the most recent developments in key domains of the EU’s institutional reform process post-Lisbon and the EU Law. The curriculum was designed and delivered by lecturers from the Saarland University and the SEELS members, including the participants of the SEE Graduates EU Law Teaching and Research Academy. The Summer School was held at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb and the faculty of Law in Rijeka in September 2013. 

SEE-EU LAW Net: SEE Graduates EU Law Teaching and Research Academy, Saarbrücken – Germany, 07/2013

The project aimed at development of Summer Academy for junior teaching and research staff. Its goal was to provide in depth theoretical and practical knowledge of the EU Law Post-Lisbon in different fields of the EU Law for PhD Students from the SEELS members and from EU countries. The curriculum was developed and delivered by professors form SEELS and professors from Saarland University. The Summer Academy was organized and held in July 2013 at the Saarland University in Saarbrucken, Germany. The project was implemented by Europa Institut and the SEELS Network.   Upon the completion of the Summer Academy the participants also developed and published research papers in a collection that can be downloaded here. 

Training for MA Students on the Harmonization of SEE States’ Legislation with EU Law, Durres – Albania, 09/2012

The training was specifically tailored for the needs of MA students in related fields of the EU integration as the need for strengthening the knowledge of EU legislation and the mechanisms of the harmonization of national legislation to the EU was noted. It aimed to provide substantive knowledge of the process and mechanisms of the development of the national legislations and to approximate them to the standards in different fields (chapters) of the EU Acquis. The training was held in Durres, Albania in September 2012. 

Training for MA Students and PhD Candidates “Rule of Law, Human Rights and the European Union”, Bečiči – Montenegro, 06/2012

The project was the first summer academy that was organized within the Network. It provided a forum for discussion on the core issues of the Rule of Law and Human Rights within the EU and in light of the EU integration of the SEE Countries. The Academy focused on increasing the knowledge of the MA and PhD students in the key fields, but also provided mode for networking of the professors. Participating to the academy were scholars from all than members of SEELS network. The Academy took place in Bečiči, Montenegro in June 2012. As direct output of this summer academy a publication of academic papers produced by the participants was published.

Project Development and Management Training  “EU project management in the framework of EU higher Education programs”, Mavrovo - Macedonia, 11/2011 

The training aimed to provide advanced knowledge of the process of project development for applications for EU funds in the field of higher education for the SEELS contact points at the members. The project was implemented in the early stages of the creation of the network of SEELS in November 2011 and was delivered by an international expert in projects development and fundraising. It targeted administrative and project development staff from all members of the Network at the time. This event not only provided increase of the understanding of the project development processes, but also contributed to the staff networking and creation of liaisons that will support the future project development processes.



„Development of Collective Redress for Consumers in South East Europe” 01/2017 – 06/2018

Strengthening the regional cooperation in the field of collective redress for consumers in South East Europe was the central focus of the recently finished project funded by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Open Regional Fund for South East Europe-Legal reform.

This was achieved by carrying out a comparative legal analysis on “Collective redress mechanisms in light of the European Commission Recommendation (2013/396/EU) on common principles for injunctive and compensatory collective redress mechanisms. The study involved comprehensive cross-national comparisons, emphasizing issues of commonality and difference with the aim to detect the existing deficits and different obstacles for an adequate enforcement of collective redress according to the consumer protection laws in SEE countries. Most importantly, it concluded with developing suggestions for the improvement of the situation.

The study presented the legislative and institutional framework and legal practice on collective redress with an emphasis on damages claims in selected EU member states (Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and England / Wales) and SEE countries. The Study’s recommendations and conclusions provide the responsible institutions and organisations with solid basis for exchange, which entails the development of a Regional Action Plan to strengthen capacities for implementing collective redress and handling collective claims. The suggestions also include the preparation and delivery of training modules and the implementation of a regional awareness campaign on collective redress to improve services of the Consumer protection organisations. The findings of the project were presented at the 20th International Conference on Consumer Protection Law and Regulations in London in May 2018.

The final study is freely available in our download section.

“Legal Protection against Discrimination in South East Europe”, 10/2015 - 08/2016

Officially launched on the 21st of October 2015 in Skopje, the project aims to create a comprehensive regional analysis of antidiscrimination in various fields of legal activity in South Eastern Europe. After uncovering deficiencies and successful examples of legal protection mechanisms, appropriate training modules and relevant target groups will be conceptualized. These solutions will be shared among different government agencies, universities and training centers in the region enabling them to promote the protection against discrimination as a core competency of legal practitioners. The project is funded by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development and is implemented by GIZ’s Open Regional Fund – Legal Reform. Main project partners are SEELS, the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Human Rights (Vienna) and State authorities dealing with anti-discrimination in South Eastern Europe.

Regional Conference "Public Notaries’ and Enforcement Agents’ Education Models in South Eastern Europe", Belgrade - Serbia 10/2015

The conference provided a platform for the exchange of information and open discussion on promising models of education within the higher education institutions of South Eastern Europe and the continuous education programs of the respective institutions. As such it aimed to strengthen cross-border cooperation and to create synergy effects within the region in regard to the Public notary and Enforcement systems. Participants were representatives Law Faculties, Notary Chambers, Enforcement Agents’ Chambers and Judicial Training Institutions from all over the region. Insights into EU practices in the continuous education of notaries and enforcement agents were presented by Mr. Jos Uitdehaag, First Secretary of the International Union for Judicial Officers. The conference was supported by the EU funded Rule of Law and Enforcement project as well as Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Legal and Judicial Reform Program in Serbia.

The proceedings of the conference can be found here.

Regional Research Project on EU Administrative Law in SEE Countries, 01 – 09/2014

The project aimed to explore the core issues of the EU Administrative law from the academic standpoint, offering the possibility to gain information about the extent to which the standards of the European Administrative Space are implemented at the national level of respective countries. Nine professors and one young researcher form the SEELS network carried out the regional comparative research and the final findings, conclusions and recommendations were discussed on the regional conference that was held at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb in September 2014.  Representatives from Ministries and authorities on public administration, as well as national administrative courts representatives took active part to the conference which was a significant step towards joining the efforts of government sector, judiciary and academic to exchange experiences in their effort to better lead the processes of approximation and implementation administrative legislation. As a final result of this project a publication with all key analyses, observations and findings was published under the title “EU Administrative Law and its Impact on the Process of Public Administration Reform and Integration into the European Administrative Space of SEE Countries”. 

11th International Conference on Private International Law ‘’New Trends in EU and SEE Private International Law“, Osijek – Croatia, 09/2014

The 11th International Conference on Private International Law ‘’New Trends in EU and SEE Private International Law’’ was an annual gathering of private international law scholars. The aim of the conference was to provide forum where the participants exchange their ideas and experience in order to promote the reform and further development of private international law of SEE countries and to discuss the problems arising in the process of harmonisation of national private international laws with private international law of European Union. This year the conference was held at the Faculty of Law in Osijek, in September 2014. 

Regional Research Project on EU Law Application by the National Courts in South Eastern Europe, 01 – 09/2014

This joint research project offered a theoretical model for studying the SEE courts’ capacity to apply EU law in the pre-accession period (largely applicable for the post-EU accession period as well), and an initial study of the existent SEE courts’ practice on country-specific and comparative regional basis. It involved the participation of fifteen professors and researchers from SEELS members who carried out the regional research, each in their respective country. The comparative analyses and the empirical findings were compiled and published in a publication entitled “European Union Law Application by the National Courts of the EU-Membership Aspirant Countries from South-East Europe”.

SEELS Forum “Regional Networking and Academic Cooperation in SEE: Promoting European Values in Higher Legal Education”, Brussels – Belgium, 11/2013

The Conference aimed to increase the level of understanding of the EU higher education funding mechanisms, to provide exchange of information among the SEELS members and institutions of the higher education/research in EU and to promote the Network. It was attended by representatives from all SEELS Network members at the time and representatives from Ministries, Embassies, relevant public institutions and organizations in the SEE countries, as well as with the representatives from EU organizations and Institutions. The Conference was organized in November 2013 in Brussels, Belgium. 

SEELS Network’s Staff Mobility Project, 09/2013 – 12/2013

The project provided for an opportunity of exchange of lecturers among the SEELS members so as to increase the mobility, to strengthen the cooperation and to provide of different approaches towards teaching in different topics and legal fields. The project was implemented in the period September – December 2013. In total six lecturers from Tirana, Sarajevo, Zenica, Zagreb, Rijeka and Skopje benefited from the initiative. 

SEELS Post-Doctoral Colloquium in Public Law, Tirana - Albania, 09/2014

The Post-Doctoral Colloquium in Public Law followed the established practice to provide a forum for exchange of knowledge and ideas among young researchers (recent doctors) from the SEELS member faculties. Its goal was to gather the most distinguished young researchers from the region to discuss on specific institutes of Public Law, including International Law, Human Rights, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law and Criminal Law. On the colloquium 12 young academics and researchers have presented their key findings from their respective doctoral dissertations and reflected their current research from the respective areas of their dissertations. The colloquium also created a network of young specialists which will serve as a base for further development and dissemination of the latest research activities in the area of Public Law in the region and wider. 

Promotion of Scientific Research and Education on European Integration and Policy, Rijeka - Croatia, 04/2013

The major goal of this project was to extend the regional scientific research in SEE countries on the EU integration and policy issues, as well as to carry out joint researches in the respective areas and to increase the international cooperation with academic institutions, research centres and networks for research and education in EU Law, EU integration and policies. Thus, the project dealt more specifically with the issue of integration of the SEE countries into the European Union as a major political and economic goal designed to assure stability and development in the region. The findings were presented on the Regional Conference that took place at the Faculty of Law in Rijeka in May 2013. As the final result of the project the researchers have produced and published papers that can be downloaded here. 

Third Civil Law Forum for South East Europe, Tirana - Albania, 03/2013 

The Civil Law Forum for South Eastern Europe was constituted in April 2009 gathering outstanding scientists and experts in the fields of Civil Law and Commercial Law. It has, since its establishment, accompanied the reform processes in the countries of SE Europe towards their EU integration conducting the comparative analyses on various topics and areas of Civil Law. Since January 2012, the Civil Law Forum is functioning under the framework of SEELS within which and as a result of continuous research it produces and publishes series of papers. The third Civil Law Forum was held in Tirana in March 2013, where the latest findings on the relevant issues from the Civil Law areas were presented. The Regional Conference provided a forum for discussion and exchange of opinions among the researchers in the field of Law on various topics of relevance to the contemporary developments of the Civil Law. Finally, as it was already established by practice, the findings were published in a separate publication that can be downloaded here.

Project Development and Management Training  “EU Framework Programme 7 for Research and Innovation”, Belgrade - Serbia, 11/2012 

The training aimed to provide advanced knowledge of the process of project development for applications for EU funds in particular for research projects financed under the FP7 programme. It was targeting the staff of the SEELS members responsible for development and management of projects. This was seen as a crucial component of the development of the Network as a whole, in terms of generating valuable and innovative research or educational projects in future. The trainees were selected from each member of SEELS network and took part to the training that was held in Belgrade in November 2012. As a follow-up activity, literature and IT equipment was provided by GIZ to the Network and the Centre for SEELS to support the development of the capacities for fundraising at the members. 

Conference “Legal Perspective of Gender Equality in South Eastern Europe”, Sarajevo – Bosnia and Herzegovina, 09/2012

As mainstreaming the gender equality is widely recognized indicator of the overall development of a country including within the human rights protection, achieved rule of law as well as socio-economic development, it was recognised as one of the valuable topics for analyses within the SEELS network. The first phase of the project included extensive research on gender equality in SEE countries, including the analyses of the national legal framework of the countries and its compliance with EU gender Equality Law, national policy and institutional framework on gender equality, as well as gender equality in legal professions and legal education. The research was followed by a conference that was held in Sarajevo in September 2012, where the findings of the research and the analyses were presented and discussed. 

SEELS Post-Doctoral Colloquium in Private Law, Zagreb - Croatia, 09/2012

The Post-Doctoral Colloquium in Private Law aimed to contribute towards the exchange of knowledge and ideas among the young researchers of the participating Law Faculties from South Eastern Europe. Within the project a meeting of the designated representatives of the Faculties from the SEELS members was organised in order to set up the format of the colloquium and the participants’ selection procedure. The selected young researchers (recent doctors) presented their researches and discussed about the new developments in the field of Private Law on the colloquium held in Zagreb, in September 2012. At the event, the 17 selected speakers gave their presentations in front of a wide audience. Upon their presentations discussion with other representatives and the audience took part, which proven to be very successful method for initiating and obtaining motivated inspiring discussions. The results of the colloquium were presented in a publication that can be downloaded here